Welcome back! It’s the week before Thanksgiving and I want you to get all the tools you need to keep on your goal of losing weight for the holidays. It is possible! This week I want to show you how your brain makes the…
Welcome to week one of Losing Weight For The Holidays! I’m so excited to be on this journey with you – it’s going to be fun! Last week we started building a vision for how we could be different through this holiday season to create…
Ready for a new series? Welcome back – I’m glad you’re here! As we enter the holiday season, as you gather and serve and maybe cook and prepare gifts, I thought it would be wonderful if you were able to give yourself the gift of…
Hello and welcome! I’m glad you’re here. We’re working through the characteristics and qualities you need to get to what you really want, which is permanent weight loss. We’ve been evaluating this for a few weeks, talking about commitment (both to the process and to…
Welcome back! Here we are, getting into the topic that we already know we need and yet don’t follow in our goal of permanent weight loss. This week we’re talking about consistency. I know, you’re already shaking your head. You already know that your…
Welcome back! I’m so glad you’re here with me to get the essential elements for your successful permanent weight loss. Last week we talked about the first absolute requirement for permanent weight loss – commitment. Commitment to the process of weight loss is crucial because…
Welcome back! We’re starting a new series on What Really Matters For Permanent Weight Loss and I’m really glad you’re here. This is the first week of the series and I’m so excited to share these essential elements that you must have to get to…
Welcome back! I’m thrilled you’re here to start this new series with me. We’re going to get to the essentials, the absolute requirements for what you need for permanent weight loss. If you don’t have these, it doesn’t matter how amazing your meal plan or workout…
Hey – welcome back! It’s so good to have you here for this last episode in our series on the costs of NOT losing the weight. Today we’re going to talk about the loss of intimacy that we experience when we live in a body…
Welcome, welcome, welcome! It’s so good to have you here! Can you tell I’m excited about this week’s post? This series on the costs of NOT losing weight has been such a great topic to teach. I have said it before and I’ll say…