What You Need to Win at Weight Loss

I’m so glad you’re here because we’re about to dive into a topic that’s near and dear to my heart: faith-filled weight loss.

This isn’t just about counting calories or finding the perfect workout—it’s about putting your faith into action to create lasting change. If that sounds like what you’ve been searching for, keep reading because I’m sharing the key lessons from my own journey and some powerful truths to help you win at weight loss.

My Journey: Losing 60 Pounds and Gaining a New Life

Seventeen years ago, I found myself at a crossroads. I had been overweight my entire life, from puberty through my first pregnancy. After my first child was born, I knew something had to change. Through a combination of practical strategies and putting my faith into action, I lost 60 pounds, which completely transformed my life.

The experience taught me that weight loss isn’t just a physical battle; it’s deeply spiritual, too. Our faith is living and active, and when we bring our eating habits under the lordship of Jesus Christ, we open the door to real transformation. (Yes, this is me after I lost the weight!)


Why Faith is the Key to Weight Loss

Here’s the truth: God’s design for our bodies is perfect. Think about it.

The same God who created the heavens and the earth designed you and me as temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).

That means our bodies are not just shells; they are sacred. Honoring that design through the way we eat and care for ourselves is an act of worship.

The longer I’ve been a doctor and a follower of Christ, the more I’ve realized how intricate and intentional God’s design is.

When we align our eating habits with His plan, amazing things happen. Our energy improves, we feel more connected to our purpose, and yes, the weight comes off.

The Heart of the Matter: Surrender

Here’s where it gets real: weight loss is less about willpower and more about surrender. Let’s face it, we all have moments where we’re tempted to overeat, choose convenience over nourishment, or ignore what our bodies need. That’s where surrender comes in.

Bringing our struggles with food to God in prayer changes everything. Instead of relying on our own strength (which definitely can feel like it’s in short supply), we tap into His limitless power. As Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Practical Steps to Align Faith and Weight Loss


Now, let’s get into the practical side. These are the steps I’ve used and taught others to create lasting success:

1. Start with Prayer

Before you do anything, invite God into the process. Pray for guidance, discipline, and strength to honor Him with your body. This might sound simple, but it’s incredibly powerful. When you acknowledge that you can’t do this alone, you make room for God to show up in a big way.

2. Learn to Listen to Your Body

One of the most beautiful aspects of God’s design is how our bodies naturally signal hunger and fullness. The problem is that we’ve often learned to ignore those signals. Take time to tune in. Are you eating because you’re hungry, or are you trying to soothe an emotion? Learning to listen to your body is an act of stewardship.

3. Choose Foods That Honor God’s Design

God created whole, nourishing foods for a reason. Lean proteins, vibrant fruits and vegetables, healthy fats—these are gifts from Him to fuel our bodies. When we fill our plates with these foods, we’re not just feeding ourselves; we’re honoring His creation.

4. Practice Gratitude

It’s easy to focus on what we’re giving up when we’re trying to lose weight. Instead, shift your focus to gratitude. Thank God for the ability to move, for the food He provides, and for the strength to keep going. Thank Him for the opportunity to care for your body in this new way that honors Him first! Gratitude changes your mindset and helps you stay motivated.

5. Find Your “Why”

Weight loss can be hard, and there will be days when you want to give up. That’s why it’s so important to connect with your deeper “why.” For me, it was about being the best version of myself for my family and honoring the body God gave me. I wanted to break the generational curse of obesity in my family, especially for my daughters. What’s your why? Write it down and keep it in front of you as a reminder – this helps keep your mind on track!

Encouragement for the Journey

Friend, let me remind you: this is not about perfection. It’s about progress. You’re going to have good days and tough days, but the most important thing is to keep showing up. God’s grace is sufficient, even when we fall short. When you stumble, don’t let guilt hold you back. Instead, turn to Him, ask for forgiveness, and start again.

Remember, you are not alone in this. God is with you every step of the way, and so am I. Together, we can walk this journey of faith and weight loss, one step at a time.


Want more guidance on your faith-based body transformation? Download my eBook: “Nourished Spirit: Your Faith-Filled Guide to Weight Loss

For more personalized support on your Christian approach to weight loss, book a consultation with me.

Or take time to binge-watch my lessons on my YouTube channel.

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