Who me? Y’all know I love making some to-do lists! Well, I don’t really love the lists. It’s more of a love-hate relationship: I love not having the things I need to do rattle around in my brain and making me worry that I’ll…
I’m 2 1/2 weeks away from my board exam in Orlando. Y’all, I got out the index cards last night to make some flash cards – I’m in full study mode now! It’s so different going through exam prep with a job and…
Today, I just needed a nap. It’s been a whirlwind week. I went to Asheville with my daughter to a church women’s retreat. It was her first retreat and we enjoyed the mountains, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones, and just…
This week, I want to tell you a story. First, let me catch you up. In last week’s post, I told you about my upcoming medical board exam and how all my requirements were due. I scraped together every available minute and all…
Well, I did it. Remember last week when I talked about worrying myself sick (actually catching a cold or something because of stress)? Despite my best efforts at managing my mind, being consistent in prayer and meditation, and keeping an upbeat attitude, the stress…
Early last Saturday morning I took my oldest daughter with me to walk a labyrinth. I had been trying to find time to spend with each child separately, so they’d have time with mommy without competition from their siblings. It hadn’t been something I’d been…
Since starting this blog three years ago, each week I’ve known what to write, even if it wasn’t until the last day. This is the first week I’ve felt like maybe I have nothing to say. These last few weeks have been challenging, to…
It’s a holiday weekend, y’all! Every time I have a holiday weekend, I get so excited, because I look at the three days and think: Look at all this time I have to spend however I want! Almost every time at the end of…
Ever feel like if one more thing happens, everything will come crashing down around you? As if your life is a delicate house of cards and a light breeze will knock the whole thing over? Sometimes I think I might have everything running along like…
This one is for me. But as I write this, I can think of many other people I know who’ve undergone some form of persecution or challenge. Someone has been laid off, you have an unfair boss, there’s a rumor going around. You can…