It’s our last week on our hero’s journey to permanent weight loss and I’m so glad you’re here! If you missed any of the weeks before this one during this month-long series, go back and grab them – it’ll be worth your time to get…
It’s week three on our hero’s journey and I’m glad you’re here! If this is the first post you’re reading, you might want to go back to week one and catch up – the discussion about you being a hero in your weight loss journey…
Welcome back! It’s March and we are starting a whole new series on permanent weight loss. We’re talking about the essentials of permanent weight loss from a different perspective. You are at the center of this story, and I want you to be inspired and…
How was your Thanksgiving? Did your plan work out the way you wanted? Did you eat just enough and then pop out of bed this morning, unafraid of the scale? Or maybe it didn’t quite go that way. Maybe you ate more than you planned.…
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about weight loss and why it’s such a struggle for so many of us. For most of us, it’s not as if we have a lack of information or even a lack of resources to do what we know…
I know you think that when you lose the weight, everything in your life will be better. I know I thought it would! But I want to show you why that’s not true, and how you can start feeling good now while you’re losing the…
Every time someone tells me they’re starting a new exercise regimen to lose weight, I cringe. I mean, how often does that truly work? I want to help, and it kills me not to say something. But who am I to crush their optimistic outlook?…
If you want to lose weight, you have to eat rabbit food, or starve yourself, stop eating out and at least give up all your favorite foods, right? And once you find the right diet for your body, the weight will just melt off and…
Welcome back! This week we’re going to talk about the true story of a client of mine who lost weight while eating fast food. We’ve been conditioned to believe that the reason we can’t lose weight is that we’re eating the wrong foods and if…
When we struggle with weight, there’s so much information out there that says that we have to trust a special program or diet or supplement to be successful. That’s how those items make sales! But it’s not true. Sure, there are ways to eat that…