It’s time for a new recipe! I was sitting around and talking to one of the surgical assistants at the hospital this week while I was waiting to start a cesarean. She follows this blog and reminded me that I hadn’t done a recipe…
The concept of a solo retreat seems a little strange to many people I talk to. The strong introvert and overwhelmed mom are quick to embrace the idea, but others look at me with a question in their eyes. Why would you go away alone?…
I usually write early in the mornings. It seems that if I want to get things done, it’s best to start early, before everyone else is up and the day snowballs out of control. So I get up, pray and meditate, read my bible and…
This week has flown by! I’m exhausted and this post almost didn’t get written. But I have a really good reason, and you’ll meet her later on in the post. Keep reading… I spent this past weekend in North Carolina for a Plant Based…