This week I wanted to do something a little different. I don’t usually just post a recipe, but I’ve had people ask me to start including recipes in this blog. I love a good soup, especially in the fall. At this time of year, I…

This week I wanted to do something a little different. I don’t usually just post a recipe, but I’ve had people ask me to start including recipes in this blog. I love a good soup, especially in the fall. At this time of year, I…
Actually, I have never learned to juggle. At least not in the fun way with balls, pins, or torches on fire. Nope, never practiced that one. Life can feel like one big juggling act sometimes though, right? It seems like we manage multiple things at…
Ok, light and easy this week. I’ve been talking about such heavy things recently (and it’s a crazy week on call for me too)! I was inspired to share some ideas about how we snack in our family. With four small people and a busy…
I just got back from vacation. It was a beautiful week in a little house on the beach in a quiet town on the Gulf of Mexico. There wasn’t anything to do except walk out the front steps to the white sandy beach. The kids…
Sounds like we’re talking about body sculpting or a new piece of body shape wear today. But I’m not going to talk about how to fit into a special dress, or a new weightlifting program. I don’t want to tell you how to make your…
For those of you who don’t struggle with perfectionism, this post may not speak to you. For me, I tend toward wanting to do everything, take advantage of every opportunity, get everything right, not miss out on anything.I’ve seen this abbreviated as FOMO (Fear Of…
I have never been a fan of exercise. Well, I am now. Most doctors are! But in a personal and practical way, I haven’t been a good example of physical fitness and exercise. Right now, I’m probably in the best shape I’ve been in most of…
If you’ve ever wondered why on earth someone would homeschool, this post may answer some questions for you. I’m not going to go through all the details of HOW we homeschool, or how I work full time and homeschool – that will have to be…
So, for those of you who already have eliminated many sources of chemicals from your personal environment, this post really isn’t for you. But if you’re like most people, you’re horrified and a little overwhelmed by the deluge of media about toxic chemicals in our…
Cooking is becoming a lost art these days. It seems like the less we cook, the more we love to watch other people cook on TV! We want to eat, but we run out of time in our busy days, so we outsource the cooking…