Welcome back everyone! Recently I’ve started baking again. I had given up baking bread because the little one and her gluten sensitivity meant that if I made bread, she couldn’t have any. So I’d still have to buy gluten free bread for her, (which was…
This week I’m gonna let you in on one of my little secrets: I suffer from a minor malady I call “Princess Syndrome”. I need quiet and darkness to sleep, I can’t be too hot or too cold or I can’t sleep, and I hate…
It’s that time of year again! The temperature is falling, the leaves are changing colors, the kids are back to the school schedule and autumn is in full swing. The stores seem to think it’s time to put out Christmas decorations. Even though I refuse…
Hey everyone! So glad you’re here! It’s been a whirlwind few weeks between the Tea Talk, working the weekend at the hospital, and speaking on a panel discussion on menopause last weekend. It’s also been busy at work as usual, and the kids need to…
Welcome back! It’s been two weeks since I posted, but it’s only because last week was the Tea Talk! I continued my series on Food As Medicine and this time the topic was Plant Based Living. It went great! Lots of people turned out and…
Welcome back! We’re celebrating more veggie dishes in anticipation of the Tea Talk next week. It’s only eight days away! If you want to come, go to the Event Brite to get your ticket before they’re all gone… Anyway, I have a new friend…
I didn’t think I’d post this week. I mean, here I am at a conference for Integrative Women’s Healthcare at a beautiful resort, learning a ton of great information and enjoying beautiful weather, so who has time to post on a blog? It’s basically vacation…
Welcome back, everyone! I’m glad you’re here. It’s been a great week – I got my computer data recovered (Yay! See last week’s post to see the drama with that.) I’m going to a conference on Integrative Women’s Health next week, and it’s time for…
It all started with the eclipse… So, a few weeks ago we started talking about seeing the eclipse. We knew we lived close to the zone of the total eclipse, and we thought it might be a fun experience. Then Perry watched a TED…

Welcome back everyone! I’m glad you’re here. It’s been another busy whirlwind week and I can’t believe it’s Friday again. But I’m not working this weekend, so yea Friday! I’ve been thinking hard again about the direction I’m moving and I have a little better…