Welcome back! We’re nearing the end of this series on Losing Weight For The Holidays and it might seem tempting to coast through the last week or so into New Year’s Day. Family is coming and cooking and shopping still isn’t finished and all the…
Hey, friend – welcome back! We’ve gotten through two of the food holidays, Halloween and Thanksgiving and I want to check in with you: How’s it going so far? Are you on your plan, navigating all the pitfalls of holiday treats in the breakroom and…
Welcome back! We’re officially now in the full swing of the holiday season and you know what that means? Parties! This is the time of the year when Christmas and holiday parties abound and this year, there are three whole weekends before Christmas, which means…
Welcome to this new week of Losing Weight For The Holidays! We’ve been focused on our goal of doing this holiday season differently so the weight gain hangover from eating our way through the holiday isn’t what we dread going into the New Year. We’ve…
Welcome back! It’s the week before Thanksgiving and I want you to get all the tools you need to keep on your goal of losing weight for the holidays. It is possible! This week I want to show you how your brain makes the…
Welcome to week one of Losing Weight For The Holidays! I’m so excited to be on this journey with you – it’s going to be fun! Last week we started building a vision for how we could be different through this holiday season to create…
Ready for a new series? Welcome back – I’m glad you’re here! As we enter the holiday season, as you gather and serve and maybe cook and prepare gifts, I thought it would be wonderful if you were able to give yourself the gift of…
Welcome my friend! I’m glad you’re here! Today we’re going to put the last piece in the puzzle of what really matters for permanent weight loss. We’ve talked about commitment and consistency and resiliency, all critical in getting to (and staying at) your weight loss…
Hello and welcome! I’m glad you’re here. We’re working through the characteristics and qualities you need to get to what you really want, which is permanent weight loss. We’ve been evaluating this for a few weeks, talking about commitment (both to the process and to…
Welcome back! Here we are, getting into the topic that we already know we need and yet don’t follow in our goal of permanent weight loss. This week we’re talking about consistency. I know, you’re already shaking your head. You already know that your…